Monday, August 27, 2012

LG Optimus G To Have Gapless 1280×768 Display and Longer Battery Lifespan, Leaked Pictures Available

LG Optimus G To Have Gapless 1280×768 Display and Longer Battery Lifespan, Leaked Pictures Available:

The LG Optimus G has been a mysterious device that has slowly been leaking into the news. Today, LG released an interesting bit of news about its G2 Touch Hybrid Display, which all signs point to being what’s on board the G. This unusually wide 1280×768 display is a 30% thinner “gapless” panel, which means the LCD is right up near the glass, similar to HTC’s One X display. Check out the leaked picture above from to get an idea of the screen dimensions.
Another interesting update from LG is their newly reworked battery technology, which allows the battery to last a full 800 charge cycles, outpacing current 500-charge models. That’s about a 60% increase in the battery’s lifespan.
If both of these component improvements make it to the Optimus G, LG might have a very interesting device on their hands.  Other rumored specs include a quad-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, 2GB RAM, and a 13MP rear-facing camera.
Hit the break for another leaked photo that shows the back of the device.
More screenshots showing the phone’s system information can be found at the source link.

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